Experienced media personality, radio host, Fox 5 Legal Analyst, guest news anchor.
Watch the Media Sizzle Reel
Fox News at Night Border Crime https://youtu.be/ohCSkqMlfpc
Parks and Playgrounds to Guns, Gangs and Drugs https://youtu.be/fuVIqtCO0nw
Fox News Channel TONIGHT, Harvey Weinstein Parade of Accusers
CNN Anderson Cooper 360, Ferguson Crisis Effect on Business
Fox News Channel, The O´Reilly Factor, Muslim kicked of plane for speaking Arabic?
Fox News Channel, The Kelly File, Charging Wife of Orlando Shooter
CNN Ashleigh Banfield Legal View, New Jersey Terrorist Charged
CNN Brooke Baldwin, President Obama Releasing Prisoners
Fox News Channel, America´s News HQ, Charlottesville Federal Rights Inv
Fox News Channel, America´s News HQ, Kelly´s Lawyers Cut Ties With Trump
Fox Business Network Varney and Co. FBI Says No Charges for Clinton
Fox News Channel, Fox and Friends, Uber Drivers with Criminal Histories
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Manafort Connection to Russian Mobsters?
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Mall Brawl Organized Online?
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Rolling Stone Trial--"Jackie´s" Testimony
CNN International, Why Was OJ Simpson Paroled?
Fox Business Network, Cavuto, Kaepernick Files Grievance With the NFL
Fox Business Network, Intelligence Report, Will Trump Really Sue His Accusers?
Australia Seven Network, How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty
i24 News, Trump and North Korean Dictator Argue About Button Size
One America News Network, The Ledger Report, Trump´s Attorney´s Office Raided
Fox News Channel, Plea in Professor Murder for Hire Case
Headline News Network Primetime Justice Athlete Apology for Punching Woman
Headline News Network Primetime Justice Santa Thief Robs Bank
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Football as Child Abuse
Dr. Drew Radio, KABC Anthony Scaramucci First Press Conference at White House
Newsmax TV, Co Hosting Bill Tucker Show, Politics
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Bus Driver Kills 6 Kids
Headline News Network, Across America, Will Harvey Weinstein be Charged Criminally?
Australia Seven Network, The Daily Show, Spotting High Conflict Personalities
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, "Ferguson Effect" and FBI Director Comey
Fox News Channel, America´s Headquarters, Abduction 101 Website leads to Kidnaping
Fox Business Network, Cavuto, Justice Ginsberg Tangles with Trump
Fox Business Network, Cavuto, Will Hillary Clinton be Indicted?
Headline News Network, Primetime Justice, The Bold Burglar Home Invasion
Headline News Network, SE Cupp Unfiltered, Harvey Weinstein Scandal
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Brock Turner Light Sentence for Rape
Australia Seven Network, Paging Dr. Google, Cyber-Chondriacs
Fox News Channel, Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer Lawsuit
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Cal Harris Murder Trial, Informant Testimony Stricken
Fox News Channel, America´s Newsroom, Baby Found in a Manger Nativity Scene
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Plea in Murder for Hire Case
Fox Business Network, Varney and Co., Bill Cosby Criminally Charged
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting the Social Climber
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, How to Say No Without Offending
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Teacher who Married Student Charges Dropped
Fox News Channel, Fox and Friends, California Gun Violence Restraining Order
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Robert Durst Extradited
NBC 7 San Diego, Vegas Shooter, Here is How to Stay Safe
Fox 5 Washington DC, 3rd Presidential Debate and Twitter Afterparty
Australia Seven Network, How to Deal with Social Anxiety
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, News anchor testifies in Stalking Trial
Russia Today America, Orlando Shooter May Have Been Gay
i24 News STATESIDE Chicago Mayor Sues DOJ Over Sanctuary City Policy
i24 News CROSSROADS Trump Jr. Email Bomb, Russian Meeting
Fox Business, Mornings with Maria, Clinton v. Trump
KPBS The Cost of Life Saving Drugs
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, How to Bounce Back From Rejection
Fox News Channel Happening Now, Government Sues Over 10 hours sick leave for Pilot
Fox Business Network, Mornings with Maria, Donald Trump´s Proposed Muslim Ban
i24 News, Special Counsel Named in Trump Russia Probe
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting the Sex Addict
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting the Gold Digger
Australia Seven Network, The Daily Edition, Relationship Reset in the New Year
Headline News Network Prime Time Justice, The "Meter Reader" Murderer
CGTN America Sextortion Scams Around the Globe
Australia Seven Network, How to Survive Rejection
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, How To Charm People
Hosting KOGO at Night Radio Show, Politics and Social Media
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Hulk Hogan Sex Tape Lawsuit
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Revisiting Kennedy Cousin Murder Case
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Chicago Cop Sues Family of Teen he Shot
Fox Business Network, Lou Dobbs, South Carolina Classroom Incident with Deputy
Fox Business Network, Lou Dobbs, Kate Steinle Murder, Sanctuary Cities
Fox Business Network, Lou Dobbs, Ashley Madison Hack Lawsuits
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting the Control Freak
Fox Business Network, Lou Dobbs, Cheating Spouse Website Hack
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting Your Life Partner
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Vanderbilt Rape Trial
Newsmax, The Hard Line, GOP CNN Presidential Debate
Fox News Channel Spirited Debate, Release of Pastor Saeed from Iran
Fox Business Network Your World with Neil Cavuto, TSA Twitter Photo
HLN Primetime Justice, Wife Missing After Boat Trip with Cheating Husband
HLN Primetime Justice, Serial Murder Brags About Killing
HLN Primetime Justice, Kidnapped Woman Found Chained Up in Van
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting a Mummy´s Boy
CNN Ashleigh Banfield Legal View, 8 Year Old Kills One Year Old
Australia Seven Network, The Daily Edition, Dangerous New Years Resolutions
Australia Seven Network, The Daily Edition, How to Beat Distraction
Fox News Happening Now Kate Steinle Family Lawsuit Filed
Fox News Channel Lauren Green, Spirited Debate, Women Preachers
Fox Business Network Lou Dobbs, Sanctuary Cities and Kate Steinle Murder
Fox Business Network Lou Dobbs Donald Trump in the Polls
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting the Queen Bee
Fox Business Network Lou Dobbs, Donald Trump Lawsuit Against Univision
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting Debbie Downer
Fox Business Network Lou Dobbs, Draft Kings Fantasy Football Scandal
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting the Christmas Grinch
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, Spotting a Serial Worrier
Australia Seven Network, The Morning Show, How to Spot a Cheater
HLN Nancy Grace, Toddler Goes Missing From Campsite
HLN Nancy Grace, Injured 1-Month-Old
ABC 7 Washington DC, Staying Safe After the Brussels Attacks
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, NY Church Beating
Guest Anchor, One America News Network, The Ledger Report
i24 News Government Shutdown Countdown
Australia Seven Network, Spotting the Chauvenist
Australia Seven Network, Spotting the Meglomaniac
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Can Homeowner be Charged for Shooting Robber?
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Ashley Madison Reveals User´s Information
Fox Business Network, Lou Dobbs, Kate Steinle Lawsuit and Deflategate
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, Spotting a Misogynist
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, Spotting the Backstabber
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, Spotting the Sycophant
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Illegal Immigrant Murders Woman in her Home
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Indictment in 40 Year Old Cold Case
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, How to Deal With Passive Aggressives
Fox Business Network, The Willis Report, Cited for Feeding the Homeless
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Woman Kills Attacker Met Online
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Jesse Matthew Conviction
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Mom Drops Child into Cheetah Pit
CNN Ashleigh Banfield Legal View, Deputy Goforth Shot Execution Style
CNN Ashleigh Banfield Legal View, Teen Locked up for 3 Years Commits Suicide
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, Personality Scale of Humility-Honesty
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, How to Spot a Narcissist
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, USC Coach Sarkisian Lawsuit
Fox Business Network, Lou Dobbs, James Holmes Jurors Dismissed for Tweeting
Fox Business Network, Lou Dobbs, DC Murders, Ray Rice Charges Dropped
Fox News Channel, Aaron Hernandez Murder Trial
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Jacqueline Greco on Trial 37 Years Later
Fox 5 San Diego, Vegas Shooter Lack of Red Flags
Fox 5 San Diego, Gary Johnson Asks "What is Aleppo?"
Fox 5 San Diego, Post Debate Analysis -Sniffing and the Shimmi
Channel 6 San Diego, NYC/ NJ Bomber on the Loose
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump Planning Visit with Mexican President
Channel 6 San Diego, Trump v. Clinton Post Debate Analysis
Channel 10 San Diego, Sea World Shares Plunge
Fox 5 San Diego, Fallout from Trump´s Meeting with Mexican President
Channel 8 San Diego, District Attorney Ugly Truth Campaign on Human Trafficking
Channel 10 San Diego, Phil Mickelson Pays 1$ Million to SEC
Channel 6 San Diego, Dr. Patrick Discusses Her New Book Red Flags
Fox 5 San Diego, Game Day Preparation- Trump v. Clinton, Round One
CNN Ashleigh Banfield Legal View, Baltimore Police Department DOJ Investigation
CNN Ashleigh Banfield Legal View, 78 Year Old Not Guilty of Sexually Assaulting Wife
Fox 5 San Diego, Register Your Assault Weapons Right Away
Channel 10 San Diego, Use of Geofeedia, Social Media Privacy
Fox News Channel, Spirited Debate, Marriage Performance Reviews
Seven Network, Australia, the Daily Show, Red Flags Book Release
Fox Business Network, Lou Dobbs, Tom Brady Deflategate Appeal
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Kayak Murder Suspect Appears in Court
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Woman Sues United Airlines over Wifi
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, James Holmes Jury Selection
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Best Man Murder Case
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, Spotting the People Pleaser
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, Spotting the Asexual
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, Spotting the Stage Parent
Fox Business Network, The Willis Report, Snow Shoveling and Spot Stealing
Fox Business Network, The Willis Report, Katy Perry sues over Left Shark Copyright
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Jury Selection in Boston Marathon Bomber Trial
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, United Airlines Crew Sue Airline over Firing
Fox Business Network, Willis Report, Class Action Filed Against Apple
Fox Business Network, Willis Report, Sony Employees Suing for Hack Attack
Fox Business Network Willis Report, Marvin Gaye "Blurred Lines" Copyright Lawsuit
Seven Network, Australia, Spotting the Snob
Seven Network, Australia, Spotting the Sensitive Person
Fox News Channel, Gretchen Carlson, Restricting Bake Sale Goods and New "Girl Legos"
Fox News Channel, America's Newsroom, Detroit Porch Shooter
HLN On the Case, Victim Ready to Sue Josh Duggar
Al Jazeera America, Uber Drivers Under Attack in Paris
Al Jazeera America, A Deeper Look, Sex Education in Schools
Dr. Drew Radio, Dennis Hastert Hush Money, New Victim Named
Seven Network, Australia, the Morning Show, Spotting the Perfectionist
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Jesse Matthews sentencing
FOX Business Network, The Willis Report, Upskirting Legal in Massachusetts
FOX Business Network, Cavuto - Can Your Employer Sue You - Pizza Hut case
FOX Business Network, Cavuto - Should Food Companies Pay the Rising Costs of Obesity?
FOX Business Network, Cavuto, Pope Encourages Kids Over Pets
Fox News Channel, Gretchen Carlson, Public Ebola Scare
Leslie Marshall Radio, Trump Psychology--Why He May Just Get Your Vote
HLN Nancy Grace, Mother Murders 4 Year Old Daughter, Elderly Woman Left in Car
Dr. Drew Radio, Reading Red Flags Book
Fox News Channel, Spirited Debate, Women Preaching
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, DOJ to Review San Francisco Police Shooting
Al Jazeera America, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, State Action
Guest Anchoring, One America News Network, Clinton Donors, Riots in Baltimore
Guest Anchoring, One America News Network, 2016 Politics
KPBS Evening Edition, Killer Vester Flanagan and Workplace Violence
KTLA, Immediate Aftermath Paris Massacre, Active Threat Assessment (voice)
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Drunk Driver Charged with Killing Cop
Fox News Channel, Happening Now, Mother Shoots Daughter´s Boyfriend in Bedroom
One America News Network, Ledger Report, Muller Expands Investigation Yet Again
NBC 7 San Diego, Still no Motive in Las Vegas Shooter Case
Fox 5 San Diego, Muller Indicts 12 Russians--Impact on Election Security
Fox5 San Diego, Trump Visits Puerto Rico and Vegas
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump Threatens to End DACA
Channel 10 San Diego, CA Democrats Fail to Endorse Diane Feinstein
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump Buried in Sexual Harassment Allegations
Fox 5 San Diego, Who Won the 2nd Presidential Debate?
Channel 6 San Diego, Mega Ballot Voting Begins
Channel 10 San Diego, Voter-Politician Match Websites
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump Jr. Meeting with Russian Lawyer
Fox 5 San Diego, Was Trump´s Apology at the 2nd Debate Enough?
Channel 10 San Diego Fallout from Trump´s Raunchy Tape "Apology"
Fox 5 San Diego, What to Expect at the Second Presidential Debate
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump to Meet with Mexican President
Channel 10 San Diego, Effectiveness of Trump´s "Apology" for Sexist Remarks on Tape
Channel 6 San Diego, Who won the Vice Presidential Debate?
Fox 5 San Diego, Is Rudy Giuliani Helping the President on TV?
Fox 5 San Diego, Migrant Caravan Arrives at San Diego Border
Fox 5 San Diego, Post Vice Presidential Debate
Channel 10 San Diego, Don´t Talk Politics in the Workplace
Fox 5 San Diego Democratic Convention Trump Pile On
Fox 5 San Diego Racist Rhetoric by Trump and Clinton
i24 News, Stateside, Why President Trump should NOT talk to Special Counsel Mueller
Channel 6 San Diego: Wikileaks to Publish More Damaging Clinton Emails
Fox 5 San Diego, Political Debate Preparation Styles
Fox 5 San Diego, Clinton Foundation Scandal
Channel 8 San Diego, Olympic Gold Medalist Ryan Lochte´s Loss of Sponsors
Channel 6 San Diego, Orlando Shooter Threat Assessment
Channel 6 San Diego, Americans Favor Gun Control
Channel 10 San Diego, Orlando Shooter Inspired Safety Tips
Channel 6 San Diego, Hillary Clinton First Woman Presidential Nominee
Fox 5 San Diego Trump Visits Mexican President
NBC 7 San Diego, Facebook and Politics
Channel 6 San Diego, 450 Lb Gorilla Shot When Child Crawls Into Cage
KUSI San Diego, Sea World Ends Orca Breeding Program
KUSI San Diego, San Diego People, Apple v. the FBI
Channel 6 San Diego Ted Cruz Regrets statement on New York Values
Channel 10 San Diego, Facebook Censoring Conservative Content?
Channel 10 San Diego, Barbie´s New Bod: Curvy, Tall, or Petite
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump-less FNC Debate
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump v. the National Review, Politics 2016
Fox 5 San Diego, Ted Cruz Drops Out of the Race
Channel 6 San Diego, CA Governor signs Right to Die Bill
Channel 6 San Diego, Uber Driver Killing Spree, Still no Background Checks
Channel 8 San Diego, Ethics of Calling in Sick Day After Super Bowl
Fox 5 San Diego, 2016 Bernie´s Apology, Democratic Debate
Fox 5 San Diego, Who Won the CNN Democratic Political Debate
Fox 5 San Diego, Lasting Effect of Pope Francis Visit to US
Fox 5 San Diego, Pope Francis Visits the United States
NBC San Diego, Politically Speaking, Who Won the CNN GOP Debate
Fox 5 San Diego, Russian Plane Shot Down, Climate Change Summit
Fox 5 San Diego, Who Won the 2016 CNN Political Debate
Channel 6 San Diego 2016 CNN GOP Political Debate Winners and Losers
NBC San Diego, Politically Speaking, Reading Political Candidates
#POTUS Twitter War of the Week, With MSNBC Mika
Channel 8 San Diego, Gender Based Pricing
Fox 5 San Diego, Why Was Stormy Daniels at the Cohen Court Hearing?
Fox 5 San Diego, Reading Candidates During the First GOP Debate
Channel 6 San Diego, Gearing up for the CNN Democratic Debate
Seven Network, Australia, The Morning Show, Spotting the Hypochondriac
HLN The Daily Share, Jodi Arias, Sealed Testimony in Penalty Phase
HLN The Daily Share, Robert Durst The Jinx Murder Charges Filed
HLN The Daily Share, Jeffrey Williams, Ferguson Police Shooter
HLN The Daily Share, Aaron Hernandez Murder Trial
HLN On the Case, Students Suspended for Gun Photo
HLN On the Case Jodi Arias Penalty Phase Trial
HLN On the Case Will Jodi Arias Testify in the Penalty Phase Trial
HLN On the Case, New Look for Lawyer in Jodi Arias Trial
KPBS Midday Edition, College Sexual Assault
KPBS Evening Edition, College Sexual Assault, Balancing Rights of Victims and Suspects
KPBS New Laws for Businesses 2018
One America News Network, The Ledger Report, Boundaries of Muller Investigation
Fox 5 San Diego, SCOTUS Legalizes Sports Betting
Fox 5 San Diego, Should Trump Talk to Special Counsel Mueller?
Channel 8 San Diego--San Diego ranked 5th Best City to Live in
Fox 5 San Diego, Judge Kavanaugh is POTUS SCOTUS nominee
Fox 5 San Diego, Paul Manafort Jailed
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump-North Korea Historic Summit
CBS 8 San Diego, NFL Says Have to Stand for the Anthem
Fox 5 San Diego, Paul Ryan´s Surprise Retirement Announcement
Fox 5 San Diego, Bill Cosby Retrial is Entirely New Case
Fox 5 San Diego, Stormy Daniels Sues Trump Lawyer for Defamation
Fox 5 San Diego, Opioid Crisis, More to President´s Plan, Death Penalty
Fox 5 San Diego, Florida Shooter Tries to Plead Guilty to Avoid the Death Penalty
Fox 5 San Diego, Florida School Shooter- Were the Red Flags Missed?
Fox 5 San Diego, 2017 Political Year End Best and Worst
Guest Anchor, You Too TV, Dr. Gina America Trends, Politics 2016
Fox 5 San Diego, #POTUS-Putin First Face to Face Debrief
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump pulls out Paris Agreement--Good Idea?
Fox 5 San Diego, Will Trump be Impeached?
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump´s First 100 Days in Office
Channel 10 San Diego Political Social Media use decreases workplace productivity
Footage of Director Comey trying to blend into the White House curtains
Fox 5 San Diego Sea World Layoffs Right Before Christmas
Fox 5 San Diego Women´s March v. March For Life
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump Denies Russian Hack
Channel 6 San Diego, Sea World Lays Off San Diego Workers
Fox 5 San Diego, October Surprise FBI Email Announcement
Fox 5 San Diego, Justice Ginsburg Comments on Donald Trump
Channel 6 San Diego, Zoos Increasing Security After Gorilla Shooting to Save Toddler
Channel 10 San Diego, Cyberbullying Laws
Fox 5 San Diego, FBI Recommends no Charges Against Hillary Clinton
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump-Cruz Bromance is Over
Fox 5 San Diego, CNBC GOP Debate Preview
Fox 5 San Diego, National Security, Politics
Fox 5 San Diego, Biden Watch, Paul Ryan may Run for House Speaker
KUSI San Diego, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Released from Jail
Channel 6 San Diego, Candidate Body Language in First GOP Debate
Channel 10 San Diego, Vester Flanagan Journalist Shooting
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump Says Obama Founded ISIS
KUSI San Diego, Subway Spokesman Jared Fogel and Child Pornography
Fox 5 San Diego, Jared from Subway Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography
Channel 6 San Diego, Subway´s Jared Pleads to Child Pornography Charge
Channel 8 San Diego, Target Stores Phasing Out Gender Specific Toys
Fox 5 San Diego James Holmes Penalty Phase 2 Verdict
Fox 5 San Diego James Holmes Theatre Shooting Guilty Verdict
Fox 5 Penalty Phase for James Holmes after Guilty Verdict
KUSI San Diego, Candidate Body Language, First GOP Debate
Fox 5 San Diego, Paris Terrorist Attacks, Political Response to Syrian Refugees
Better TV, Reading People Through Body Language
Channel 10 San Diego, Subway´s Jared Home Raided in Child Porn Investigation
Channel 6 San Diego, Virginia Journalist Shooting, Workplace violence
Channel 8 San Diego, Virginia Journalist Live Shooting on Social Media
Fox 5 San Diego, Impact of Same Sex Marriage Ruling
Fox 5 San Diego, Companies ban the Confederate Flag
Fox 5 San Diego, Rating the 2016 Political Candidates
Fox 5 San Diego, Duggar parents interview with Megyn Kelly
KUSI San Diego Tom Brady Appeal During "Deflategate"
KUSI San Diego Baltimore Police Officers Charged
Channel 6 San Diego Baltimore Police Officers Charged
NBC San Diego, Politically Speaking, Reading Political Candidates
KUSI San Diego, Sea World Breeding Ban by Coastal Commission
One America News Network, Rick Amato Show, Grass Roots Panel, Hillary Clinton e mail
KUSI San Diego, Human Trafficking, San Diego People
KUSI San Diego, Apple v. the FBI over Hacking San Bernardino Terrorist Phone
Fox 5 San Diego, President Trump Visits San Diego to View Border Wall Prototypes
Channel 10 San Diego, Apple Refuses to Build Back Door to iPhone
Channel 6 San Diego, Apple Defies Judge´s Order to Hack iPhone
One America News Network Rick Amato Show, Debate, Hostility Toward Police
One America News Network, Rick Amato Show, Grassroots Panel 2016 Elections
The Blaze, Reading People CDC Director on Ebola, President Obama, Julia Pierson
Newsmax, Midpoint, Reading Political Candidates, Obama, Julia Pierson, CDC Director
Guest Anchor, One America News Network, Human Trafficking
Guest Anchor, One America News Network, Primary Elections
Fox News Channel, America's News HQ, Phil Mickelson Insider Trading Probe
Fox News Channel, Gretchen Carlson, President Obama Meets With Faith Leaders
Fox News Channel, Judge Judy Suing Attorney For Using Her Image in Advertising
HLN, The Daily Share, Aaron Hernandez Trial
HLN The Daily Share, Ferguson Police Shooter
HLN Now, On the Case, Andrea Sneiderman Paroled
HLN Now, On the Case, Woman Mistakes Parrot For Child
HLN Now, Toddler Hot Car Death
HLN Now, Texting in Movie Theatre Murder Suspect Released on Bail
Fox 5 San Diego, Overnight Government Shutdown While You Slept
Fox 5 San Diego, Harvey Weinstein Arrested on Rape Charges--Finally
Al Jazeera America, Teen Sues Parents for College Tuition
Al Jazeera America, Why Hasn´t the Ferguson Grand Jury Reached a Decision?
Al Jazeera America, Health Screenings for Benefits
Al Jazeera America, Voter Fraud, Recounts, 2014 Midterm Elections
Al Jazeera America, Grand Jury Convenes in Ferguson
Al Jazeera America, US Supreme Court Allows False Advertising Suit
The Blaze Wilkow! President Obama Meets with Pope Francis
The Blaze Liberty Treehouse- Legal Rights of Teenagers
NewsMax, Post 2014 Midterm Elections, Reading Political Speeches
NewsMax, Pope's Comments on Clergy Sexual Abuse
Fox News Channel, Happening Now - Virginia Governor Indictment/ US S.Ct Gun Case
One America News Network, ISIS Recruiting
KPBS Bob Filner Scandal--One Year Later
Fox 5 San Diego, Can Trump´s Lawyers Narrow Scope of Muller Questions?
HLN Hunt for Professional Fighter Who Assaulted Girlfriend
HLN Man Unable to Make 5$ Bail, In Custody for Stealing Cookies
HLN Jane Velez-Mitchell, Pot Smoking Spouses Commit Murder
HLN Jane Velez-Mitchell, Police Shoot 17-Year-Old with Wii Controller
HLN Jane Velez-Mitchell, Prison Rap Video made with Smuggled Cellphone
Host, Lifestyle Radio, Keeping Your Family Safe From Predators
Fox 5 San Diego, Jury Selection Begins in Paul Manafort Trial
Fox 5 San Diego, Paul Manafort Accused of Witness Tampering
Fox 5 San Diego, Failed Healthcare, Scaramucci´s Profane Tirade
Fox 5 San Diego, SCOTUS Declines to hear Trump DACA Appeal
Channel 10 San Diego, United Airlines Bans Passholder Girls From Wearing Leggings
KUSI San Diego, Trump´s Religious Freedom Executive Order
Fox 5 San Diego #POTUS Wants Death Penalty for Drug Dealers
Fox 5 San Diego, Staying Safe in Public after London Van Attack
Fox 5 San Diego, Comey Firing, Trump´s Threatening Tweet
Fox 5 San Diego London Terror Attack, Red Flags and Risk Assessment
Channel 6 San Diego Live Golden Hall Presidential Returns
Fox 5 San Diego, Government Shutdown Countdown
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump Travel Ban 2.0 Blocked Again
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump Call to Gold Star Mother, Foot in Mouth
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump´s Victory Tour!
Fox 5 San Diego, What to watch for in the 3rd Presidential Debate
Channel 6 San Diego New Laws For 2017, Ignorance is No Excuse
Fox 5 San Diego, Michelle Obama, Team of First Ladies
Fox 5 San Diego 12 Days From the Election!, What to Watch For
Fox 5 San Diego, Bill´s Speech at Democratic National Convention
NBC San Diego, Sea World Building Bigger Tanks for Killer Whales
Fox 5 San Diego, The Final Stretch, Presidential Campaign
Channel 6 San Diego, Bill Cosby Criminally Charged
Fox 5 San Diego, Pro Rape Blogger Cancels Public Rally
Channel 8 San Diego, New Laws 2016
Channel 10 San Diego, Post Powerball Blues
Channel 10 San Diego, Super Hero Dolls by Mattel
Fox 5 San Diego, Body language of Putin and Obama
Fox 5 San Diego, Carson passes Trump as 2016 Frontrunner
Channel 10 San Diego, Disgruntled Coworker Vester Flanagan Shoots Journalists
Channel 6 San Diego, Same Sex Marriage Ruling
Channel 6 San Diego, Charges Against Baltimore Officers Explained
Channel 6 San Diego, Senate Bill 277, Objection to Mandatory Vaccines
Channel 6 San Diego, Supreme Court Hears Same Sex Marriage Arguments
Fox 5 Hillary Clinton Running for President as a Woman
Fox 5 Hillary´s Announcing for President
Channel 8 San Diego, Hillary´s New Feminine Image, Presidential Run
Fox 5 San Diego, Bruce Jenner Fatal Car Accident
Channel 6 San Diego Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Channel 6 San Diego, Brian Williams Fallout
Channel 6 San Diego, Chicago Student Rape Imitates 50 Shades of Grey Movie
Channel 6 San Diego Can Brian Williams Keep His Job?
Channel 6 San Diego Good2Go App and Yes Means Yes Sexual Consent Law
Channel 6 San Diego, Social Media Red Flags, Sydney Hostage Taker Man Haron Monis
Channel 6 San Diego, Ferguson Juror Sues to Lift Gag Order on Grand Jury Proceedings
KUSI San Diego, Paris Terror Massacre and Public Safety
Fox 5 San Diego Hilary Clinton Emailgate
Fox 5 San Diego NBC Brian Williams False Reporting Iraq War
Fox 5 San Diego, Ferguson Grand Jury No Bill of Officer Wilson
Fox 5 San Diego, Ferguson Grand Jury Still Deliberating
Fox 5 San Diego, California´s New Yes Means Yes Sexual Consent Law
Channel 8 San Diego, SONY pulls movie release of "The Invitation" Over Threats
Channel 8 San Diego School Closed Over Campus Threats
Channel 6 San Diego Election Coverage, Reading People in Politics
Channel 6 San Diego NFL Sponsors Staying With the League Despite Scandals
Channel 6 San Diego, Should NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Resign?
Fox 5 San Diego, New Gun Laws, Ex Parte Gun Violence Order
Fox 5 San Diego, OK Cupid Dating Site Using Humans as Guinea Pigs
Channel 6 San Diego Michael Brown Ferguson Shooting
Dr. Gina, MoneyBizLife, Religion in the Workplace
HLN Jane Velez-Mitchell, Police Release Controversial "Thug Cycle Video"
HLN Jane Velez-Mitchell, Cops Shoot Mentally Ill Teen
Al Jazeera America, Inside Story, Jahi McMath Case, Right to Life
One America News Network, Speaker John Boehner to Sue President Obama
Fox 5 San Diego, Do Illegal Immigrants Get Due Process?
HLN, Missing UVA Student, Twitter Assists Police Investigating Hate Crime
HLN, Cop Killer Survivalist Named Suspect in Deadly Shooting
Fox 5 San Diego, Should You Shut Down Your Facebook Account?
CBS 8 San Diego, 619/858 Area Code Merge--Get Ready
Channel 10 San Diego, Pro Life Clinic Case Heads to Supreme Court
Fox 5 San Diego, Fisa GOP Memo Released
Fox 5 San Diego, Tax Bill Passes For Christmas
Fox 5 San Diego, Roy Moore Special Election Upset
Fox 5 San Diego, Michael Flynn Guilty Plea Impact on President Trump
KFMB Channel 8 CBS San Diego, #GivingTuesday burnout
Fox 5 San Diego, HHS Secretary Tom Price realizes Reputation is Priceless
Fox 5 San Diego, New Chief of Staff John Kelly, Muller Grand Jury
Fox 5 San Diego, House Passes Health Care Bill, Victory Lap?
Channel 10 San Diego, Trump Rolls Back Internet Privacy Regulations
Channel 10 San Diego, Western Alliance Settles Fraud Case
Channel 6 San Diego, "Alternative Facts" Crowd Size Matters
Fox 5 San Diego Obama Sanctions Russia, Trump Response
Channel 6 San Diego New Laws for 2017
Sea World Goes For Entertainment (in addition to) Education: New Thrill Ride
Fox 5 San Diego, Beer at the Barber Shop, New Laws in 2017
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump as President, Not Businessman
Fox 5 San Diego, Trump v. Hillary, War on Words, Charges of Sexism
Channel 6 San Diego, Hillary Clinton First Woman Presidential Nominee
FOX 5 San Diego, Governor Signs New Bill - Guns and Mental Illness, Family Members Can Weigh In
FOX 5 San Diego Vergara Teacher Tenure Ruling
FOX 5 San Diego Social Media Hashtag War Post Elliot Rodger Rampage
Channel 6 San Diego, Gun Control Elliot Rodger Shooting Rampage
FOX 5 San Diego, Florida Texting Theatre Shooting
NBC San Diego 7 Phil Mickelson Insider Trading Probe
Channel 8 San Diego, Prosecutors Crack Down on Human Trafficking in San Diego
Channel 6 San Diego, Rally Planned to Support Apple in Fight Against the FBI
Channel 6 San Diego #NotAllMen Movement Post Elliot Rodger
Channel 10 San Diego Starbucks Sued for Too Much Ice in Drinks
Marketplace, Elliot Rodger Ignites Gender Inequality Conversation
Leslie Marshall Radio Show, Robert Durst
Channel 6 San Diego, Qualcomm Settles 19.5 Million Discrimination Suit
KUSI San Diego US Supreme Court Refusal to Hear "Boobie Bracelets" Case
FOX 5 San Diego Pennsylvania Stabbing, Reading Red Flags
Channel 6 San Diego Pennsylvania Stabbing, Reading Red Flags
FOX 5 San Diego Most Interesting New Laws in 2014
Channel 10 San Diego 2014 New Laws in California
KUSI San Diego 2014 New Laws in California
Channel 6 San Diego Knockout Game Channel 6
Fox 5 San Diego, Mike Pompeo Will Narrowly be Approved as Secretary of State
Channel 6 San Diego, Safe Cell Phone Use
Airport security after LAX Shooting
KUSI San Diego Arming TSA Agents post LAX shooting
Channel 6 San Diego LAX Shooting, Arming TSA Agents
Channel 6 San Diego LAX Shooting, Gun violence, Arming TSA agents
KUSI San Diego Costume Correctness KUSI San Diego
i24 News English, The Rundown, Teen Arrested For Threats on US Jewish Centers
NBC San Diego Costume Correctness San Diego NBC
Facebook lessening of privacy settings
Channel 6 San Diego Trump University San Diego Lawsuit, Will Trump Testify?
Channel 8 San Diego, Trump University Called Fraudulent from the Debate Stage
FOX 5 San Diego How to Protect Yourself from an Active Shooter in the Workplace FOX 5 San Diego
FOX 5 San Diego Expert On Red Flags To Protect Your Teen From Predators
KUSI San Diego Sponsors Sticking With NFL After Domestic Violence Scandal
FOX 5 San Diego Legal Expert On FBI Hacking Into Cell Phones
FOX 5 San Diego Zimmerman Trial
FOX 5 San Diego Zimmerman Trial
FOX 5 San Diego George Zimmerman Trial, Supreme Court Decisions
KUSI San Diego, PRISM, Facebook, Google - what's the difference? Privacy
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Channel 8 San Diego, Can your boss monitor you off the clock?
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KUSI San Diego, Social Media and Prop 8 Debate
KUSI San Diego, Rutger's coach firing
FOX 5 San Diego Can employers request your social media password
FOX 5 San Diego Social Media and Prop 8 Debate
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FOX 5 San Diego, Christopher Dorner Case Causes Employers to Rethink their Firing Practices